Create Your Warwick Story – Cross channel campaign

Working at the Centre for Lifelong Learning at University of Warwick, one of the main projects in my role was to increase the interest and visibility of our courses through online activity. The Centre hosted a range of degree, masters and entry level options, creating a varied and complex audience group which differed greatly across product offering. Some courses even targeted audiences from across multiple cities, counties and age groups (24-60+). This created challenges in audience targeting, as well as unifying the product offering against that of the standard university product (which targets high achieving 18+).  At times the product offering at the Centre for Lifelong Learning was a complete contrast to the standard University of Warwick customer – one of the key challenges faced was getting a customer to interact with the Warwick brand in the first instance. 

#CreateYourWarwick story was a cross channel campaign covering: web, social media, events, print and email marketing. The campaign message was driven to support a customer creating their own experience at the university, which although may be different to that of the standard student, was still an experience in it’s own right. 

Student stories were shared across blogs, social media, email marketing campaigns and integrated into the website. Branding was unified in print, events with online platforms, to ensure consistent text, colouring and messaging was present for each part of the customer journey. 

The campaign supported multiple product cycles (which often overlapped with each other) with small tweaks made at each stage in messaging and photography to ensure the campaign targeted to diverse audience range of the centre. 

A consistent social media schedule was created in favour of social algorithms and several updates were made to the departments website to bring it in line with the accessibility and user experience designs of the time. Focus groups were ran throughout the launch to make continuous improvements to the campaigns during it’s lifetime. 

The results: 

WEB – some stats from campaign. 
Bounce rates on specific devices improved by the following:
Desktop – 1.90% reduced
Mobile – 0.81% reduced
Tablet – 24.58% reduced (most improvement)

Time spent on page on specific devices improved by the following:
Desktop – 12.96% increase
Mobile – 26.98% increase
Tablet – 17.69% increase 

Traffic to website from social media: 
137.44% increase in Twitter traffic 

12% of users spending longer on homepage, with bounce rate down 2.63%

The growth of likes on Facebook over the 2019 period has shown a steady rise of 1.8%, picking up vastly after the launch of the campaign. 

Snippets of the campaign are shared below, for more information please contact me directly.

Due to GDPR laws in the UK and consent, work completed for the University of Warwick is protected. Student and staff faces have been blocked out in the snippets below.